IGS 2003 Home Page


Date November 2, 2003

Time 2:30 - 5:30 p.m.


Dr. Alan Harvey, Senior Lecturer, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Alan Harvey has worked in handwritten data processing and pattern recognition for over 12 years. He has written software for character recognition for infringement documents and has worked on handwritten data processing for over a decade. A Senior Lecturer at RMIT University in Melbourne Australia and has written over 30 papers in image data recognition and processing.


Tute A: Computer Analysis and Recognition of Handwritten Documents.

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Topics: Overview of HW Field, Document Segmentation, Character Segmentation.
Normalisation of Handwriting. Character Normalisation. Offline, Real Time Recognition Systems. Recognition Features. Handwritten Character Recognition. Handwritten Word Recognition, Applications of HCR, Limitations of HW Data Recognition, Conclusions.

Tute B: Digital Watermarking (DW)

Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Topics: Overview, DW. Why Watermark Data? Image WM Example. Watermarking Hierarchy. Embedding Example. Desired Property, Robustness. Successful Attack. Where can we hide Information? Watermark Insertion. WM Methods, Wong’s, Knox’s. Embedding an Image Inside another. Effects,Crop/Rotation/Scale/Shear. WM Attacks. WM Software. Conclusion. Lena with 4 Watermarks.

Target Audience

The tutorial discusses the principles and practise of computer document processing. Therefore workers in handwritten document processing will obtain an insight into how handwritten data may be processed by means of computer software. Also those who have recently started work on computer analysis of handwritten data will obtain a summary of developed techniques for analysis and recognition of handwritten documents and forms. 1.5 hrs.
The second tutorial on Digital Watermarking gives a summary of the methods, applications and limitations of digital watermarking of pictures. Therefore workers in the field of picture copyright provision or image ownership will receive an insight into the use of digital watermarking for these purposes. 1.5 hrs.

Tutorial Registration

Fill out the tutorial registration form (.pdf) and send by:

(1) Fax this Tutorial registration form before September 26, 2003 to IGS2003 +1-480-350 9199 (secured fax location, no cover page needed). or (2) e-mail it to igs2003@graphonomics.org. (3) Mail to IGS2003,1225 E Broadway Rd, #100, Tempe, AZ 85282. with check in US$.

Your credit card will be charged or check will be cashed on October, 27 unless you cancelled before that date by faxing or e-mailing us.

If you need more information, please e-mail igs2003@graphonomics.org.


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